ETCS Full Registration Form - Fall 2020

Classes and Instructors Fall 2020

Classes will start on August 30, 2020

This year (Fall 2020), we will have seven levels:

Level    Comment
BasicFor kids who have little exposure to Chinese language
1Kids will focus on PinYin this semester and some of Chinese Book 1
2Kids will learn Chinese Book 2
3Kids will learn Chinese Book 3
4Kids will learn Chinese Book 4
5Kids will learn Chinese Book 6
6Kids will learn the Chinese AP book

Students generally start the level 1 at the age between 5-7, and each level takes one year to complete. Parents should feel free to choose the level that most suits their child.

You will receive ZOOM ID and password via email.

Culture Classes 2019-2020

Classes will start on August 30, 2020

Please register below for Culture Classes for students. These classes meet from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm immediately after the Chinese Language classes:

Class Name  Teacher Name
ArtLI, Xiaohui
DanceLIU, Xiaojing
Wu Shu (Kung Fu)    SMITH, Michael
Tai Chi / Qi Gong  SMITH, Michael

We also offer Culture Classes for Adults that meet during the Chinese Language Classes. Please register for these, using the form below, separately from the student registration. In Fall 2020, we will offer "Stretching, Tai Chi, and Qi Gong" class to give you a great stretch, help you relax, reduce your stress, and get you ready to start a new week. No previous tai chi experience needed. This class meets in person outside at the Cove Park in Farragut from 8:30 - 9:30am. For more details, contact the coach Michael Smith via email at

Payment and Fees

Please register online with the form below ASAP (preferably by August 23), and please pay the fees as instructed below.

Fees for each student for the Fall 2020 Semester:
• Chinese language class -- $100
• Art [girls and boys] -- $40
• Dancing [girls and boys] -- $40
• Wushu [girls and boys] -- $40
• Stretching, Tai Chi, and Qi Gong [Adults] -- no fee

Online Registration

• Please fill in all boxes in the form below to register a child for ETCS language and culture classes.
• Adults can register for culture classes [skip the boxes labelled with a '*']
• Please register one student at a time
• Payment Method: Use Venmo to send funds our Account "Knox-Chinese" OR Venmo accepts credit cards with no fee charge to you. Please pay by the first day of class, August 30, 2020.
• Please read the consent and liability form and agree to its terms by checking the appropriate box below

Student Family (Last) Name  
Student Given (First) Name
Student Age*
Parent Family (Last) Name*
Parent Given (First) Name*
Email address
*not required for Adults registering for Culture Classes
Class Level
Culture Class
WeChat ID (if available)/Parent Comment
Consent - I agree to the terms in the parental consent form
Please enter the security code in the field below.